Qatar Cancer Society and Qatar Museums collaborate for cancer awareness
Doha News -

The Qatar Cancer Society chairman highlighted that both sides closely collaborated even prior to the cooperation being designated.

The Qatar Cancer Society (QCS) and Qatar Museums (QM) have inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to collaborate in promoting cancer awareness locally.

Sheikh Khalid bin Jabor Al Thani, QCS chairman, and Mohammed Saad Al Rumaihi, QM CEO, were the signatories.

This awareness drive will involve mutual cooperation in promoting cancer awareness, as well as providing financial and mental health support to those affected by disease.

This agreement will bolster efforts by combining the QCS’ expertise in community-oriented awareness drives at the QM consortium’s background in hosting captivating arts and cultural events.

In an interview with local media, Sheikh Khalid described the agreement as “putting the icing on the cake” and said that there was a collaborative initiative already active between the two entities prior to the MoU signing.

“The memorandum of understanding is just formalising what was already in place, but the work existed and continues to thrive,” he said.

Wafa Al Atawi, head of corporate relations at QM, echoed Sheikh Khalid’s sentiment.

“[There include] museum activities, educational programmes and cultural arts initiatives. And there is a long history [of such initiatives] between us and the Qatar Cancer Society,” she told local media.

According to latest figures from the Qatar Cancer Information Center (QCIC) published in 2020, the overall incidence of cancer fell by 19% from the previous year. This decline was attributed to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting access to the usual pathways to cancer screening services.

The QCIC also reported that colorectal, leukaemia and prostate cancers were among the most common types in male patients, while breast, thyroid and leukaemia were most common in women.

Established under the Qatar Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities in 1997, the QCS has been pivotal in addressing these challenges.

The QCS has aligned itself with organisations such as the Union for International Cancer Control and plays a key role as a founding member of the International Cancer Prevention Consortium.

Since its inception, it has aimed to establish Qatar as a leader in cancer prevention and control.

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