Woman Claims Friendly Slap on the Back from Kung Fu-Savy Colleague Left Her Unable to Work for a Year
odditycentral -

A Chinese woman is asking 40,000 yuan ($5,500) from a work colleague and accusing them of slapping her on the back using a kung fu technique that left her unable to work for 12 months.

The woman, surnamed Zheng, recently told a television network in her native city of Hangzhou, China’s Zhejiang province, that she was working as a security guard at a metro station in the city last summer when a colleague ruined her life with a simple slap on the back. She was allegedly napping with her head on a desk during an afternoon break when a male colleague named Lu slapped her on the back to wake her up. Zheng recalls that she felt a sensation she could only compare to an electric shock before feeling her arms and neck go numb. She claims that a photo taken by another coworker clearly showed the mark of five fingers on her back. One thing is for sure, though, Zheng could not work for a year after the incident and now she feels like Lu owes her financial compensation.

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