“Fake” Doctor Operates on Patient While Watching YouTube Videos
odditycentral -

An Indian doctor is being accused of causing the death of a 15-year-old boy after operating on him while watching YouTube videos on how to surgically remove gallbladder stones.

Ajit Kumar Puri, a doctor at the Ganpati Hospital in Saran, India’s Bihar state, stands accused of causing the untimely death of a local teenager by operating on him without having the proper knowledge or skills. The boy’s family claim that they brought him to the hospital last week after he had vomited several times. He was admitted and his symptoms subsided, but Dr. Puri decided that he had to operate on the boy to remove a gallstone that was causing the vomiting. After sending the teen’s father away on an errand, the doctor operated on him without the family’s consent of the family, but this resulted in a sudden worsening of the boy’s condition. Eventually, Dr. Puri decided that he should be transferred to another hospital, but the patient died on the way, and the doctor went on the run after leaving his body on the steps of Patna Hospital before going on the run.

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